09/12/2009, 43 years old male patient. Hypertension, hyperuricemia, smoking and drinking, type 1 diabetes with suspected OSAS. Is referred for evaluation and possible ENT surgical evaluation with the Department of Pneumology
- apnea hypopnea index 99 x hours
- 95% SAT o2media
- SAT less than 90% 1%
- You are informed of the different surgical options and if withdrawn the need for a CPAP. It alerts you that you will have problems in their use as septal deviation septoplasty is recommended. The patient refused any surgery initially
- control is indicated apnea CPAP pressure of 7 cm and a ramp hA20 15 minutes
- After that has been raised gradually to 15 mm / hg for lack of clinical efficacy
- The patient after 15 months of intermittent use of CPAP not tolerated concerns as indicated by lateral pharyngoplasty and septoplasty without tamponade (12/02/10)
- As of 3 days postoperatively stop using the cpap.
- New control IAH 3 (12/02/11)
- Currently no incidents
Performing surgery without tamponade septoplasty technique combined with lateral pharyngoplasty is a definitive cure for apnea in selected patients.
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