Congratulations to the organizing committee of the 95th Annual Meeting of DGHNO-KHC, the German...Read more
- 12-05-2024
Dr. O'Connor Reina has introduced for the first time in Spain new procedures to treat snoring , sleep apnea and sinusitis.
Surgical treatments include radiofrequency to solve the problems of snoring. Specialist congestion , allergic rhinitis, deviated septum , among other diseases being the first Andalusian otorrino accredited by the Spanish society of sleep as an expert in sleep disorders.
Latest advances and clinical cases
Congratulations to the organizing committee of the 95th Annual Meeting of DGHNO-KHC, the German...Read more
This was a video presented by the Commission on Roncopathy and Sleep Disordered Breathing at the...Read more
Grupo Prensa Ibérica has published this week a report entitled "Health does have gender: 6 diseases...Read more
We are very pleased to have been recognized by Dr. Manuel Miguez, President of the #SEMDeS, in the...Read more
We are delighted to announce RhinoEgypt 2024, marking 30 years of remarkable success. This...Read more
It was an honor to attend. Thank again to #DrManuelMenéndezCóllar for the invitation....Read more
This week, we had the pleasure of being part of the interview conducted by Marbella RTV, discussing...Read more
Ankyloglossia is understood as the restriction of tongue movement due to a fibrotic tissue of...Read more
In the recent celebration of the annual congress of the Spanish Society of Otolaryngology and Head...Read more
We are pleased to inform you that we have been included in the list of experts in Sleep Apnoea in...Read more
I invite you to take a look at this special interview which details the ins and outs of the...Read more
The University Hospital of Fuenlabrada receives us again for the XII Course on OSA surgery, a...Read more
Our Big Data article has been published, we have used data from the medical records of 90 million...Read more
Thanks to Jose Miguel we have another testimony to share with all of you reagrdin airway gym.Click...Read more
An amazing experience at the IFOS in Dubai where once again we met up with old friends to share our...Read more
Last Thursday we were on Canal Sur Radio talking about sleep apnoea.Thank you Enrique Jesús Moreno...Read more
This is the first article based on Big Data to be published by a Spanish ENT department and the...Read more
I am very proud to have participated with good friends and even more great professionals and to have...Read more
Amazing first day of the XI NATIONAL COURSE ON OSA where we have reviewed the usefulness of...Read more
This time speaking to about Airway gym in 6th Congress of European ORL-HNS held in Milan...Read more
Ian is a patient who suffered from apnoea and was on sick leave. After the surgey ,several weeks...Read more
The 73rd SEORL Congress has come to an end. Many sensations and all of them good. The reunion and...Read more
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Our team and our digital solution AirWay Gym have been selected as best and most innovative digital...Read more
The year 2021 served to consolidate the App that improves the quality of life of patients with...Read more
This week has started with the news of the national prize for the best clinical work in...Read more
A privilege to share the afternoon with Dr Marina Carrasco and Dr Eric Thuler at the Roncopathy...Read more
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Interview in Canal Sur radio talking about apnea and its...Read more
It will be a great privilege to join my colleagues Peter Baptista, El Rodo Lugo and Guillermo Plaza...Read more
Listen as #ESRSMember Dr. Carlos O'Connor-Reina walks us through his research paper on "Non acid...Read more
A real pleasure to be able to collaborate as a speaker at the XII National Meeting of Sleep...Read more
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Surprised that (American website) considers us the biggest expert...Read more
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A patient who had a turbinate surgery and improved his #apnoea index from 26 to 8 with...Read more
A great job has its results. We would like to thank for supporting...Read more
Here you have the testimony of Miguel Angel, a recently operated patient. Our aim: Improve the...Read more
Fuenlabrada Hospital trains professionals in surgery for obstructive sleep apnoea. This training...Read more
We are very glad to present the first edition of the #Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) course....Read more
III International Course on Chronic Snoring and SAHS has finished where we had the great honour to...Read more
I am proud to have been able to participate and guide Dr Laura Rodriguez Alcala, in her article on...Read more
We will participate in the Egyptian congress : Speech about on lateral pharyngoplasty and the...Read more
Talking about the Airway Gym App at the VI Meeting of the Valencian Society of Otorhinolaryngology...Read more
We have participated with Dr. Guillermo Plaza of the Hospital Universitario La Zarzuela in Madrid,...Read more
Interview on CADENA SER network with Dr. Carlos O'Connor Hoy Por Hoy CG...Read more
Recommended reading if you suffer from sleep apnea....Read more
This week we highlight the special report in the ABC newspaper of Seville by Dr. Carlos O'connor...Read more
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The newspaper La Vanguardia echoes the Airwaygyn app and its improvement in sleep apnea. "The...Read more
15th October - Somnoscopia (DISE)...Read more
An honor to have participated as a foreign speaker in the Brazilian ENT Congress....Read more
On September 14th, the International Forum took place: AAMS FORUM: TECHNOLOGY & OROFACIAL...Read more
I am pleased to inform you that since last July 2020 I have been part of the Ibero-American Society...Read more
The digital newspaper Matutino Gráfico makes a comparison of all the methods known against...Read more
Very interesting video to see and hear. Optimistic evidence from a hospital...Read more
We are pleased to inform, the article "Tongue peak pressure: a tool to aid in the identification...Read more
Airway Gym - This APP helps you to treat sleep apnea, guiding you and informing you if you progress...Read more
During this weekend, the 4th ENT Theoretical Theoretical Course and the First ENT Days of the Luz...Read more
The Snoring and Sleep Disorders Commission closes the 2019 training cycle with the SAHS ABC Day for...Read more
Publication of Dr. Carlos O'Connor on the TOP DOCTORS website, in which he describes each one of...Read more